The JCSP Library in Kylemore College is a purpose built resource to promote better reading. It is funded through the Junior Certificate School Programme. The vast majority of our resources are especially sourced to aid in running initiatives to improve reading standards.
Everyone in the college, students and staff, are members of the library. During library classes students participate in reading, comprehension and writing exercises. We run a variety of JCSP initiatives such as Reading Challenges, Drop Everything and Read, Word Millionaire as well as Reading for Pleasure. The whole school is committed to the idea that literacy standards are a key to success in life, both in school and outside school. Since we started in 2007 we have seen library use increase year on year. Our literacy targets are framed by our DEIS plan, and the library works very hard to achieve those targets. No student can leave Kylemore College and say they don’t read or haven’t read a book. All of our students are readers and are very happy to take part in our library activities, especially morning and lunch clubs.
Use these quick links to find your next book in the library, take an Accelerated Reader Quiz or find a book in our JCSP digital library, Sora:
First Year Survey - Click HERE