Career Guidance

Our school Guidance Counsellor seeks to empower students to make choices, decisions, solve problems and resolve issues in their own lives. Guidance Counselling in Kylemore College is a holistic process which values each individual student and focuses onTHREE key areas:

  • Personal & Social
  • Education
  • Career guidance

Guidance Counselling in Kylemore College is a process which begins when students become valued members of our school community in first year and it continues right throughout their five/six years spent in the college. The Guidance Counsellor works in conjunction with the school Guidance team to provide a range of learning experiences, designed to assist students to make choices about their lives and to make successful transitions based on their choices.

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All senior cycle students have one designated guidance class per week throughout the academic year. All junior cycle students participate in a module of Guidance Related Learning.

The Guidance Counsellor is involved in administering the CAT 4 tests to our incoming first year students and speaking at the school’s induction morning for their parents. The GC organises a number of events during the school’s two designated Well Being weeks. Study skills seminars are organised for 3rd and 6th year students. The GC delivers talks on education and career opportunities with parents whose children are progressing into Senior Cycle as well as a Careers Open morning.

A selection of guest speakers are invited into the College by the GC to talk about educational, apprenticeship and work opportunities for our senior cycle students. A designated week, College Awareness Week, takes place in November and activities are organised for ALL year groups.

Senior Cycle students attend a number of Career events, e.g. School Summit and Higher Options as well as attendance at a selective number of College Open Days.

Kylemore College is fortunate to be associated with two College Access Programmes - UCD and Maynooth, who provide mentoring to our 5th and 6th years as well as providing activities on their respective campuses and in school. We are also closely linked with the Ballyfermot partnership who provide our students with resources e.g. grinds in Maths, English and Irish and help with grant applications.

Counselling is available to a small number of students in the school.

Dec 10
TY Assessment & Reporting
Dec 18
JCSP Christmas celebration
Dec 19
Award Ceremony
Dec 20
Final class before Christmas Holiday (Day School)
Kylemore College,
Kylemore Road,
Dublin 10,

© 2024 Kylemore College